Nominee Director Services in Malaysia – Don’t have a director that ordinarily reside by having a principal place of residence in Malaysia? No worry! We are happy to provide you a fit and proper nominee director for your business.

Being a foreign investor, you must have at least a director ordinarily reside in Malaysia before you could set up a Sdn Bhd. It is not easy finding a right local candidate to act as your local director for your Malaysia company. We can assist you by providing a qualified nominee resident director for your Malaysian company while you are searching for the right local business partner.

Before engaging our nominee director services, we will perform thorough search on your company and you must satisfy our Know Your Customer (“KYC”) requirements.

By engaging our nominee director services, the company will incur lower overhead costs on monthly salaries and statutory contribution as compared to hiring someone locally.

You need to know

  1. Our nominee director will not be acting as your company bank signatory. Hence, the nominee director does not have any control over the company.

  2. All companies are required to appoint at least one of your own director (can be a foreigner) to act as an executive director other than our nominee director.

  3. the duties of the Resident Director do not include signing the Directors' Report, Statement by Directors and Statutory Declaration unless the Company is non-operating/dormant.

  4. the duties of the Resident Director do not include signing Guarantees, Charge Documents and any legal or other documents which attaches a past, present or future liability to the nominee director personally.

  5. The company shall submit a copy of the monthly bank statement to our nominee director for review

  6. Your company shall engage our secretarial services.